As a graphic designer and Design Director at BDG Media, specializing in collage art, the work of Dewey Saunders is a unique blend of commercial and fine art. Dewey's interest in graphic design began during his teenage years, when he was exposed to the graphics used in surf and skateboarding culture. He was drawn to the field of graphic design without fully understanding what it entailed. The exploration of Dewey's path in the realm of creativity began during his high school years, where his background in photography sparked a deep passion for visual expression. Dewey's commitment to his craft led him to pursue a formal art education, which he completed at the Tyler School of Art at Temple University. There, he earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in illustration, honing his skills and expanding his knowledge. Dewey since then has set out to establish himself as a professional artist and designer, building a portfolio of impressive work and forging relationships with clients and collaborators in the industry.

Inspiration for Dewey comes from all around the vibrant and diverse culture of Los Angeles. From the colorful street art to the eclectic mix of music and food, the city's unique energy fuels his creative spirit. In addition to the city's cultural offerings, he finds inspiration in his outdoor adventures. These experiences allow him to connect with the world in a more meaningful way and provide him with a fresh perspective that he can apply to his work. But Dewey's sources of inspiration don't stop there. He is an avid collector of vintage books, old magazines and printed ephemera. Sourcing flea markets and thrift stores for hidden treasures, he finds beauty in the old and the worn, appreciating the history and character that these items have to offer. Dewey also considers himself to be a music enthusiast and his passion for music greatly influences his artwork as well. He creates playlists, attends live shows and DJ sets regularly, and even recently got back into spinning vinyl records at home. Music is an essential source of inspiration for Dewey's artwork.

The creative process can be unpredictable and elusive, and even the most talented artists and designers experience creative blocks from time to time. When faced with such challenges, Dewey has developed a variety of techniques to overcome them. Rather than simply sitting at his desk and staring blankly at a screen, he prefers to take a more active approach. Whether it's going for a walk, working out, or visiting a museum, getting out of the studio and engaging with the world is one of the many things that works for him. “Even doodling in a sketchbook can break down some blockages and get the creative juices flowing in the right direction.” By allowing the hand to move freely across the page without judgment or expectations, Dewey can tap into his subconscious and access new ideas and visual concepts that may have been hiding just below the surface. Despite the challenges and setbacks that can come with the creative process, he remains committed to his craft and is constantly striving to take on new and exciting projects.

Dewey's journey in the creative arts has been an exciting and fulfilling one, marked by several shifts and transitions within the industry. Through it all, however, he has remained steadfastly committed to his profession, never feeling the need to abandon it completely. “However; I am constantly thinking of ways to elevate my practice into higher realms of actualization. One day I’ll take a break from commercial work and focus on painting and printmaking.” He is constantly thinking of ways to evolve his practice and stay ahead of the curve in an industry that is constantly changing. He sees his work as a journey, and is excited by the prospect of discovering new techniques, mediums, and forms of expression along the way. He believes that art has the power to transform, inspire, and connect people in ways that are both profound and meaningful. For Dewey, there is no greater satisfaction than creating something that resonates with others and makes a positive impact on their lives.

Favorite project worked on thus far?

Dewey Saunders: “My favorite project might have been my art exhibition at the House of Vans in Chicago for an Anderson .Paak House Party. I created 8 large scale installations including a VR skateboarding experience, a collage mural, art gallery and a NYC flyer wall filled with neon flyers for a fake Anderson .Paak and Free Nationals show.”

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